1. Walk. It's free, it's good exercise and I promise you will notice something different every time you walk the same block.
2. Google yourself. Then google your friends. This assumes you have a computer and/or internet connection, of course. Even if you don't, that's what libraries are for. Let the google in you take over...
3. Go to a museum (the free ones). My personal favorites for NYC: The Brooklyn Museum, Guggenheim Soho & the Dahesh Museum.
4. Start a blog. Ha. Yes, do it. It's good for the soul.
5. Learn something. I don't care what inspires you to do it. Maybe you always wanted to know what Mick Jagger's childhood was like or what it really means when you see Free Tibet signs. Whatever it is, research it. (again, Internet at the library is free).
6. Get a copy of AM NY & do the cross-word. You will immediately feel small...
7. Clean something. Your room, refrigerator, your computer's hard-drive. You will feel rejuvenated.
8. Find something free like a writer's workshop or a book-talk at Barnes and Noble.
9. When all else fails, facebook stalk or respond to those emails you've been meaning to for weeks.
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